Tank systems in Aircrafts
Electroplating of engine parts
First Neutrino Image of an Active Galaxy
Press release Technical University Munich
MTU cooperating with Bauhaus Luftfahrt
Research partners for Industry 4.0
Science live: From Switzerland to the Moon
Press release Technical University Munich
TechnikRadar 2022: What the Germans think about the Technology
Editorial revision
Aircarft recycling
Feature Aeroreport 1/21
Students build a vertical takeoff drone
Press release Technical University Munich
How to avoid bird strike
Feature Aeroreport
What do the Germans think about bioeconomy
Editorial revision
Predicting eruptions
Press release TUM
Searching Neutrinos in the Ice
Report from Faszination Forschung 2019
Simulation for aero engines
Report from AEROREPORT 2/19
How satellites show the climate change
Press release TUM
Fraunhofer in Schweden
weiter.vorn 1.19, Page 66-69
Report from AEROREPORT
Images from satellites show how cities grow – in 4 dimensions
Feature published in Faszination Forschung
A new aera of evolution starts in the cities
Report from P.M. Magazin
Eternal life for aeroengines
MTU Aeroreport
Smart Factories boost the production in the future
Faszination Forschung
What makes the connection between the heel bone and Achilles’ tendon withstand sprints and jumps?
Technical University Munich
Paint is important—and not just for the external appearance of an aircraft.
MTU Aeroreport
Augmented reality enables helicopter flight in degraded visual environments
Technical University Munich
Simulation techniques are transforming development and production
MTU Aeroreport
Humans are growing older then ever. Can we stay forever young?
PM Coverstory
The inspection of components is crucial for the safety of aircraft engines
MTU Aeroreport
Extremely thin and robust, yet highly porous semiconductor layers are a promising material for light-weight solar cells.
Why kill in the name of god?
Feature published in PM 6/15
Researchers are working on a new measuring technique for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, ITER.
Report pulished in Fraunhofer magazine 1/15
How climate change affects the cultural heritage.
Feature published in Fraunhofer magazine 1/15
Who is doing the work if there is education for everyone?
Commentary published in PM 4/14
Research in a room that swallows up every sound is frighteningly still.
Reportage published in Fraunhofer magazine 2/14
In Italy researchers are testing a new data transfer technique that connects even remote alpine farms to the internet.
Feature published in Fraunhofer magazine 2/14
24 hours in the stone age.
Reportage published in PM
How many universes are out there? Interview with nobel price winner David Gross..
Published in PM
Die Zukunft unseres Planeten
Brockhaus Mensch, Natur, Technik
(Co Autorin)
Von Göttern, Engeln und Dämonen
Als Spartacus den Römern trotzte
Auf der Suche nach dem Heiligen Gral
Als Pharao Ramses gegen die Hethiter zog
Reihe PM History (Co Autorin)
Ich tu was für die Umwelt – Frech Verlag Gmbh